
What Is Cervical Disc Replacement?

Posted by laura

Your backbone or spine is the foundation of your body, but that doesn’t mean it always works well. One of the areas of your spine is known as the cervical spine. These are seven bones that are located in the area of your neck. You also have cervical discs acting as cushions between the vertebrae. They act by absorbing shock while also allowing your neck to move freely.

These discs may become too narrow, press on your spinal cord, or run into other problems. When you feel pain, weakness, or numbness in your neck, cervical disc replacement surgery may be recommended.

What is It?

Simply put, the surgery involves removing the problematic cervical disc and then replacing it with an artificial disc. Before this type of procedure was available, surgeons would have to remove the disc and then fuse the vertebrae above and below the disc’s location to prevent the area from moving.

This procedure has been approved by the FDA and has the advantage of allowing people to have natural movement while allowing your neck to experience less stress.

Are There Risks?

While any surgery carries some risk, disc replacement surgery is a fairly safe procedure. Risk factors may vary from person to person and each person will have to sign a consent form stating that they understand the risks and benefits of having this procedure. Disc replacement is a more recent type of spine surgery so there is not a great deal of information on the possible long-term risks and outcomes. Be sure to discuss the procedure with a surgeon before making a decision.

Some potential risks include bleeding, infections, nerve injury, and others. Depending on your medical history, some additional risks may exist.

Getting Ready for Surgery

Before having this surgery, your surgeon may have some specific recommendations to prepare. Always discuss any medication or supplement use with your surgeon. You may also have to spend a day or two in the hospital and will need to prepare for recovery time as well. The medical team can provide you with guidance regarding what to expect and how soon you can return to your normal schedule.

Many people have difficulty with their cervical discs, requiring surgical intervention. This may not be the only option for you but consider discussing it with your doctor to ensure that you review what’s recommended for you. Depending on your condition, having disc replacement can improve your symptoms and overall quality of life.

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